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Nintendo confirms around 160,000 Nintendo Accounts were illegally accessed


Nintendo confirms that around 160,000 Nintendo Accounts were illegally accessed

Hackers were able to see the nickname, email address, country, and birth date associated with the account, as well as make purchases with credit cards and PayPal accounts.

In order to address the issue, Nintendo has disabled the ability to access Nintendo Accounts using Nintendo Network IDs, and has reset the passwords of every Nintendo Account that might have been affected by the breach.


Furthermore, if you were using the same password for your Nintendo Account and your Nintendo Network ID, Nintendo says hackers would have been able to use whatever balance was remaining on your account as well as your registered credit/debit card or PayPal account to make purchases from the Nintendo Store and Nintendo eShop. If you find an unauthorized transaction on your account, get in touch with Nintendo to have the money refunded.


Nintendo says that hackers couldn’t actually access your credit card information, thankfully.


The root of the problem appears to be the Nintendo Network ID, if you don't have a Nintendo Network ID linked to your account then you should be fine but you should consider activating 2FA on your Nintendo account.