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News submission guidelines **Read First**

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Fire Member
Trusted developer
Mar 9, 2018
If you get news from Blogs / Forums / Sites:

- Write your own Title for the article, don't copy someone else's verbatim (word-for-word).

- Write your own opening introduction summary for the article, don't copy someone else's verbatim (word-for-word).

- Quote the relevant portion of their post- it's preferable to quote developers directly rather than someone else reporting on what the developers said. Do NOT just copy and paste another site's entire article here!

- Include the source link somewhere within the article- it's preferable to link to the developers post directly rather than someone else reporting on what the developers said. Many times they will edit and update their posts, so viewers will be able to see the most current version and changes this way.

If you get news from GITs:

- You may use the GIT title for the article or write your own.

- You may use the GIT description for the article or write your own.

- You may copy and paste the GIT contents (ReadMe, etc) where applicable.

- Include the GIT source link somewhere within the article.

- Due to the open-source nature of GIT branches, clones, forks, etc check the file revisions and dates trying your best to make sure it's not someone else's being used without the original author's name in the credits.

If you get news from Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc):

- You may use the Tweet / Facebook / YouTube, etc title for the article or write your own.

- You may use the Tweet / Facebook / YouTube, etc description for the article or write your own.

- Include a source link to the Twitter / Facebook / YouTube, etc account and embed the relevant Tweets or videos where possible.
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