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News March 2020 Nintendo news roundup

Zombie Army Trilogy is coming to the Nintendo Switch

On March 16th the above video was uploaded to Youtube.

Zombie Army Trilogy is making its way to the Nintendo Switch.

The game is set to release on March 31st, very soon.

The game will feature motion controls.

There was a Nintendo Indie World Showcase

A few of the games that were showcased are:

I Am Dead, Baldo, Exit The Gungeon and Summer In Mara.

Nintendo is partnering with LEGO to release LEGO Mario toys

On March 12th Nintendo uploaded the above video to their Youtube channel, announcing that there will be LEGO Mario toys.

Aside from that, there are still rumors going around of a Nintendo Direct happening soon, are you excited? are you interested in any of the games mentioned in this article?
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