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Google GDC 2019 gaming event coverage - Google Stadia unveiled

Google is hosting a special gaming announcement set to take place at this year's GDC 2019. It's finally time to see what the company has up its sleeves, and what they have planned for the future in regards to gaming. The stream is now live, and you can watch the above video, or check back here to read GBAtemp's live updates.

Google wishes to build a game platform for everyone, bringing together all forms of gamers. This has been named the Stadia.

The Google Stadia will run on as many platforms as possible, from the Chromecast, to Android, to PCs, where games will be streamed using Google's low latency technology.

When watching games on YouTube, you'll be able to click a single "play now" button to instantly try any supported game in your browser, without downloading, without updating, or without any interruptions.

The goal is to lower the barrier to entry, so that gaming is more accessible.

Google will also be making their own controller which will connect through wifi to the host game session in order to reduce input lag. There will be a share button and a Google Assistant feature.

Right now, Stadia supports 1080/60, but at launch, it will support 4K, and even 8K.

Unreal, Havok, and Unity engines will support the hardware, which will run off Linux. Each game will run off of Google's data centers.

ID Software has gotten their upcoming DOOM Eternal working on the Google Stadia, and will be bringing it to the platform.

Google will also have its own first party development studio, Stadia Entertainment, which will create games for the platform.​
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