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Tutorial Easy MD5 Hashing of FPKGs on Windows


Yes, I'm a girl...
Retired staff
Jul 10, 2018
Easy MD5 Hashing of FPKGs on Windows

Hello everyone

This is going to be a fairly easy and brief tutorial about calculating MD5 and other hash values for FPKGs. This guide is for all the people who are uploading FPKGs or want to verify if their FPKG downloads, check if they are broken or similar.

Absolutely no additional software is required. This tutorial is for Windows only because most people are likely using Windows for this kind of tasks like dumping games, creating FPKGs, merging FPKGs, payload sending and much more hacking and homebrew stuff.

Let's go!

1. Press the Windows and the R keys at the same time on your keyboard to open the application launcher of Windows.
2. In text field of the application launcher window type in "cmd" and hit the Enter key on your keyboard to launch the Windows command line.
3. Run the following command:
certUtil -hashfile path_to_fpkg md5
Replace "path_to_fpkg" with the full path to the FPKG file you want to get the MD5 hash for.
4. Depending on the size of the FPKG the tool will need some time to calculate the MD5 hash. So wait until it finishes. It will look like in this screenshot:

5. That's it. The hash for your FPKG has been calculated and you can use it to provide it in the FPKG topic of your upload or compare it to a provided MD5 hash to verify that the FPKG is not broken.

The hash value is the value between the two messages. The value that starts with f3 in the example from the screenshot in step 4 is the MD5 hash of the file. Of course the hash value will be different for your FPKG. The MD5 hash is present in HEX format.

To post it in topics simply copy it and remove the spaces between the octets. It will become like this: f366c7592af2ba14b61264c0a113057c

See. Just a easy and small guide.