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Forum - DKS

Background selection / style cannot be changed.


1 4 9 . 2 4
회원 | Member
Sep 26, 2020
Hello and sorry for this post now,

This forum is absolutely great!
From alerting new threads to a chat function to a clear division of the individual areas!
Really recommendable!

Only, and that bothers me personally, no other homepage style can be selected here! When I registered here in the forum, it was still possible and I immediately chose a dark theme. Since I am on your side every day, and also a little longer, I see this 'Halloween theme' every day which has been extremely annoying to me since it was changed. Don't get me wrong, everyone has their own taste, of course - it's definitely not my taste!
Please, leave at least a small selection of themes so that users can adapt them themselves ...

If I have not seen a news item, a reason for the change, or even an answer to any of the same topics as mine, I ask you to do so to apologize!

Maybe I'm blind and haven't read a thread that explains why I can't find an option to change my background. Is it only possible after a donation for your website? Would be very grateful for your answer in order to be able to remove this unwanted Halloween play of colors.

ThanKs for your time ...


C10H15N (MeTh)