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Forum - DKS


  1. DorianX

    Tutorial FAT32, eXFAT, USB installation. Simple and easy solution to your problem

    This a a simple, reliable, 100% working solution. No NSP splitting. this guide is for BOTH FAT32 and also for exFAT. Many keep asking me for a solution to their FAT32 formatted SD card. So I felt the need to open up this thread to address the following issues. Are having problems putting...
  2. B

    Playing games that don't require Nintendo's online service on a banned switch

    Hey guys, so as the title suggests, I want to know if I can play online on my Nintendo switch that has been banned. Now obviously common Sense will tell you no, but i didn't know if the answer would be different when it comes to games that don't require Nintendo's online service such as...
  3. Z


    Colombiano interesado en juegos de nintendo switch nsp
  4. P

    Shikondo nsp problem

    Hi I downloaded the nsp of shikhondo soul eater from warez NX and I'm triyng to install it but I get error every time. I tried two times via usb and tinfoil crashed, tried to send the nsp file throw ftp but the copy failed and I passed the file on the sd throw usb two times but tinfoil doesn't...