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PS5 - Itemzflow Game Manager

PS5 - Itemzflow Game Manager 1.06

No permission to download
- Missing PS5 FG apps will now be displayed in itemzflow for manual removal
- Added an option to show PS5 FG info
- Itemzflow will now check the amount of free space before copying or moving
- Added new disc icons and added a cover for missing games
- Added a setting to enable a system-wide controller shortcut to open itemzflow
- Fixed issues in certain Itemzflow categories
- Fixed an issue that would label PS5 apps as PS4 apps on the home menu
- Fixed an issue causing itemzflow to show the PS5 app wrong updated version
- Fixed an issue causing some PS5 titles not to show up
- Added Chinese lang file
- Improved creating SQL DBs
- Improved PNG header parsing speed
- Added a few improvements
- Fixed an issue that caused a game's first launch to take awhile
- Fixed Copying/Moving/Deleting for certain apps with a folder depth of over 7
- Added an option to scan for apps
- Added the ability for the app to delete a corrupted db
- Added a PS5 Disc icon for PS5 Games
- Fixed an issue that would cause stuttering when using themes
- Added the time elapsed for moving and copying operations
- You can now just put the IP for the NFS options if on Windows and using the default/location
- Fixed an issue where it wouldn't always detect if you are trying to copy to the same folder
- Fixed the Disc icon not showing